PR & Corporate events hosting


Stefan works with PR companies, brands, NGOs and creative teams to develop extraordinary, eye-catching campaigns and PR-friendly food and events. He develops recipes and communications and works on general food concept development. He also attends and creates live shows and workshops designed to launch or support campaigns and publicise products.

For a client list and to discuss availability please contact Jan Croxson at DML on 020 8846 0966 or email

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corporate events hosting

Stefan is a witty and immensely confident host and mediator for international AGMs, conferences and debates, and gives frequent talks and lectures. He’s adept at creating excitement, enlivening events with bursts of hands-on interactivity and humour as well as invaluable insight from a food TV presenter/producer’s perspective. He mediates with solid journalistic rigour as well as a supportive, nurturing approach to panellists and delegates.

Contact Jan Croxson at DML on 020 8846 0966 or email

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